cosmic crumpet

everyone is talking about prof. brian cox. it's understandable. he makes science cool, and, dare i say it, sexy. he chats to shaun keaveny in the morning. he plays the keyboard for d:ream. he the man. wonders of the universe is amazing and its not just coxy. the shots of stardust and galaxies send tingles down my spine, making me long for something i can't quite put my finger on. i'm not even listening to the prof. anymore, just staring at the screen in a daze.
sofia ajram's photo's have a similar affect, conjuring up a dream like state, haunting yet familiar.
and then there's the christopher kane hubble print scarf. man do i want this. maybe one day, in a galaxy far far far away...

images: the sun, ben trovato, dazed disgital, twelveofour

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